February 22, 2020

Interview: DJ Nihilist

DJ Nihilist Interview

Our artist spotlight interview series this time takes a deep dive with talented, Connecticut dubstep artist, DJ Nihilist!

DJ Nihilist Interview

AirdriftSignals: Hi DJ Nihilist? How are you doing today?

DJ Nihilist: I’m alright, just chilling... it’s been a long weekend haha.

AirSig: It’s a new year but more notably a new decade. How do you envision this turn of time for yourself creatively, or do you have any resolutions or goals in mind?

Nihilist: Musically the only real goal I have this year is to write my second EP, but I’m sure there will be other singles and what not that pop up. Personally my goal this year is to be more focused on my health, both physical and mental. I find that if I’m in a good space it’s easier to write more music too so it’s a win-win situation.

February 21, 2020

DJ Nihilist - Outer World Bounce and Dubstep Singles Galore

DJ Nihilist Singles Reviews

From our interview with DJ Nihilist, it's no question that he is going to have great things lying in wait for him. The first and most notable of those is his most recent release, Outer World Bounce! 

Outer World Bounce

DJ Nihilist - Outer World Bounce

February 10, 2020

Interview: B. Dvine

B. Dvine Interview

Our artist spotlight interview series this time takes a closer look at B. Dvine, who is promoting his brand new, self-produced EP, Times Have Changed!

B. Dvine Interview

AirdriftSignals: How long have you been producing/emceeing?

B. Dvine: I have been producing for 16 years and emceeing for the past 9.

B. Dvine - Times Have Changed EP Review

B. Dvine - Times Have Changed Review

As our interview with B. Dvine makes light of a lot of things going on in this Long Island producer/emcee's life, so too does his latest release, the self-produced, ever-changing, and forever-growing Times Have Changed EP.

B. Dvine - Times Have Changed EP Review

January 20, 2020

The Professionals - The Professionals Review

The Professionals - Self Titled Review

Madlib and Oh No - The Professionals Album Review

As far as collaborations go, it was only a matter of time before the world heard of The Professionals, the new duo formulated by prolific and eclectic hip-hop producer Madlib and his brother, producer/emcee Oh No.